
In a nutshell, based on our Methods and Results, we have discussed that the Sexuality Education being taught in general, is in an appropriate and positive way. Though we may have received only 15 responses for our survey, we need to take the best responses and with these responses we need to conclude our research.

As based on our first question in our IRS survey and further discussions on Sexuality Education, many of our respondents have said that they were positive and pleased with the current education being taught to them. Thus we can conclude that the Education being taught is appropriate.

As based on our second question in our IRS survey and further discussions on Sexuality Education, we received a divided response from our respondents saying that the knowledge being taught to them is useful and also not useful to some in a way. But in the discussion between our group members and referring to our responses, we have concluded that the current sexuality education being taught to us is useful in a way but it can be improved.

As based on our third question in our IRS survey and further discussion on Sexuality Education, we have received responses in general that the sexuality education being taught is appropriate to the students. Thus we can conclude from our research that the sexuality education being taught in general is appropriate.

As based on our fourth question in our IRS survey and further discussion on Sexuality Education, we have received responses in general majority that students do generally pay attention and take Sexuality Education seriously. However there are a small handfull of people who do not take Sexuality Education seriously and take it as a joke. Thus, we can conclude that we have to improve this aspect and make sure that all students take sexuality education seriously and not as a joke.

As based on our fifth question in our IRS survey and further discussion on Sexuality Education, we have concluded that the sexuality education being taught to students needs to be improved for the benefit of their learning and so that they can learn the true and real facts.

As based on our sixth question in our IRS survey and further discussion on Sexuality Education, we have received divided responses that the students have and have not widened their knowledge from the curent syllabus of sexuality education being taught to them. Thus we have discussed and concluded that  this aspect of sexuality education needs to be improved so that students can widen their knowledge on sexuality education.

Thus E4 has concluded that though the Sexuality Education being taught to students is appropriate there are aspects of it that can be improved.

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