
After completing and sending out our survey through social media platforms, we have received our results from our respondents from here: Survey

For our survey, we collected a total of 17 responses  2 of them were considered as spam hence our finall tally of results is 15 responses.

 For our first question we asked "What do you think about the sexual education being taught at SST?" and out of the 17 responses 14 respondents answered with a "YES"meaning a positive response and 2 other respondents answered with "NO" meaning a negative response and 1 respondent answered invalidly.

For our second question we asked "Is the sex education being taught useful?" and out of the 17 responses about half answered saying it was useful and the other half answering with it not being useful.

For our third question we asked "Is the sex education being taught appropriate?" and out of the 17 responses. 15 answered saying it was appropriate and 2 respondents answered with invalid answers.

For our fourth question we asked "Do SST Students find sex education as a joke or do they pay attention?" Out of our 17 responses 1 was invalid and majority said that most students pay attention however some do not.

For our fifth question we asked "How do you think we can improve the sex education being taught if so?" Out of our 17 responses 3 answered invalidly. And half of the respondents answered with a "NO" or "I  DONT KNOW" however the other half answered with"I THINK IT CAN BE IMPROVED IF THE STUDENTS TOOK IT MORE SERIOUSLY."

For our sixth question we asked "Has your knowledge widened from learning the sex education being taught in our school?" Out of our 17 responses half answered with a "YES" and the other half answered with a "NO".

For our final question we asked "On a scale of 1-10, give me your overall feedback of the sex education being taught in SST?" The answers are recorded in the picture above. The average being 7 out of 10 which is generally a positive response.

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